7 Mar 2014


Ukraine has been in turmoil for over four months, making the pulse of United States and her allies to vibrate and sending jittery waves on to the nerves of Russia. Ever since the crisis started in November 2013, world powers are divided over how the conflict should be resolved, due to their vetted interest in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

5 Sept 2013

On Roger Federer's Early Exit from Us Open

Undoubtedly the best player to have graced the court, Roger Federer is an embodiment of skill, intellect, precision and humility.
His immense talent on the court has earned him seventeen major titles, three more than Pete Samparas and five more than Rafael Nadal.  Any accolade rained on him wouldn’t have come if he doesn’t deserve it; Roger Federer has been able to prove himself over the years as a man to be reckoned with when it comes to Tennis biggest tournaments like the grand slam

Little wonder many pundits were touting him as one of the tournaments favourites even when it was obvious he is not in his best of forms. Were they sentimental? No I don’t think so. Roger Federer over the years has shown how dangerous he could be when playing a five set match. His resilience, focus and determination to win have made him a tough nut to always crack. An early exit from the US Open! Who would have thought of that, Admittedly Federer’s 7-6, 6-3, 6-4 defeat to Tommy Robredo on Monday night was alarming in its wastefulness. 

This was the first straight-sets defeat he had suffered in a grand slam since 2002, and it was not as if he was blown off the court by a virtuoso performance. As he said afterwards, “I feel like I beat myself – I kind of self-destructed”. 

Yet this was more than a story of a creaky old-timer who is half a step too late on the ball. Federer was in position to hit a clean winner in almost every point. He did, in fact, strike no fewer than 45 of them in the match. But he also misfired with alarming regularity, particularly at the most important moments. He generated 16 break points, yet converted only two of them. 

The malaise, then, was less physical than mental. Federer has not won enough matches this year. He has not banked enough confidence to sustain him through a bare-knuckled brawl against a renowned hard man like Robredo.You get the sense that Federer does not quite know where to look for the old magic – perhaps because he never knew quite where it came from in the first place. 

When he speaks about his career, he often sounds surprised by his own eminence, as if the 302 weeks he spent at the top of the rankings were one long out-of-body experience.He might perhaps consider his coaching arrangements. While Paul Annacone is respected for his tactical input, he is a low-key character when a more energetic presence might be useful. And then there is the cranky back that has afflicted him all summer. 

Coming off his last winter’s break, Federer was a genuine contender at the Australian Open, beating Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and taking Murray to five-sets in the semi-final. As the season has gone on, the grind of the tour has exhausted his body and sapped his spirit, culminating in his early exits both at Wimbledon and New York. But he is not ready to give up, and clearly still has more tennis left in him. Perhaps not an 18th grand slam title, but at least another few moments of god-like genius. Don’t give up the faith just yet.

4 Sept 2013

Are We Heading Into World War 111?

It’s no longer news that President Bashar al-Assad regime had carried a chemical weapons attack on civilians on the 21st August. The US has put the death toll from the alleged chemical attack on the outskirts of Damascus on 21 August at 1,429,

Manchester United; The Beginning of The End?

he last transfer window came up and closed after a flurry of activities by many clubs, those who had the capacity to spend,  spent it well on some decent players, while some overpaid. Those who didn’t have the financial muscle to compete with some of the big spenders settled for what their balance sheets could carry.

Oh!!!! My Father

Am in a dilemma, I love somebody so much and we have been dating since we were in secondary school, but some factors are making it difficult for me to engage in a relationship WITH HIM. My name is Tayo, a first class graduate of Accounting from a prominent federal Government University in Nigeria

Tales of My Misadventure

After every crying night there is always a smiling dawn so they say. Am I an exception to this norm? I ask myself, and then maybe it’s not a norm i replied as if someone was waiting to hear my reply.